
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries in Submissions (7)


OwA Online Submissions

[NOTE: Occupy with Art loves it when you share your work with us. Here are two online submissions that came through this past week.]

From: Paul-Felix Montez

Artist proposed national sculpture monument for Zucotti park, something to make Occupy last forever - even proposing it will certainly upset a lot of people hoping it all goes away.

my web site is :
From Athanasia Sky [Occupii & Facebook]
Hi, I'm from Occupy Austin {volunteer on the PR and Media Teams }

I would like to submit a painting.
I have attached photos :) It's difficult to photograph this painting it's kind of irredescent like a foil card.
It is my first painting ever since, fifth grade finger painting :) I think it came out good in spite of that fact :)

Do you guys do auctions???
It is hard for single members or single cities to hold auctions online.
I was hoping OWS or OWashington could run an online auction for all the states and the money could go to the Occupy of the Aritist Choice.
I think that we could make alot of money for the movement that way. :)

Anyway, let me know what you can do to help me out and if it can be auctioned :D Thanks. Our hearts are with you guys everyday. Stay Strong 1<3 :)
- Thanks & we'll let you know if any auction's planned!!

"Evil Empire"

Shared with Occupennial by artist Vittorio Ottaviani

The painting refers to the  abuse of power.  Some of the officials that we elect to represent our voices seem to be motivated by personal greed, which leads to unfortunate consequences for the general population.

2011. Oil on Mahogany, 31 x 44


#OWS Portraits

Portraits from Liberty Plaza by Monty Stilson

To view Monty's Occupennial photo gallery, "Portraits from the Epicenter," click HERE.


Greetings from Vienna


Paintings by Alex Powers

Occupy Wall Street,
Attached are 5 JPegs of paintings that express what OWS is doing politically. Use the JPegs in any way that is helpful.  Maybe post them on your website. I will donate the original paintings if you can sell/auction them.  I do not want anything for myself. I am not looking for publicity.  I want to help. There are 10 paintings total. I will send them in 3 emails. I have other paintings with similar expressions if you could use more.
I admire what you are doing. It is an issue that has been dear to my heart for decades.
Alex Powers
Myrtle Beach, SC

They were in error.

[From Joseph Nechvatal, in support of #OWS]

multi-agent excitatiOn anusmOs
Joseph Nechvatal 2011

They tried to keep us sated on vapid movies and television shows. They cut us off from the deep pleasure of historical education and fed our brain candy colored crap. They ignored our experimental weird music and gave us top ten pop. They cut down our visionary art and replaced it with endless neo-pop and art reality shows for us to plug our desires into, hoping we would sit quietly by as they ran the world. I think they thought we were too dumb to notice. They were in error.
 [Click HERE to read Joseph's most recent book, Immersion Into Noise, in the Occupennial Library.]



OCCUPY NYSE by Colonel Flick

[From Colonel Flick's "Occupy America" photoset on Flickr]:

Dear Fellow American,

I am writing this letter to you not as a liberal, not as a conservative; not as a lefty, not as a righty; not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, not as a Tea Party populist; not as a Christian, not as a Buddist, not as a Moslem, not as an atheist; not as a socialist, a communist and certainly not as a bailout capitalist.

I am writing to you as just another ordinary American.

I'm your next door neighbor, I'm the guy standing next to you at the check out counter, I sit next to you on the bus, I sit next to you at worship, I'm in the next lane over on the freeway, we see each other at work, I'm right behind you at the cinema and three rows over at the ball game, our kids go to school together. We stare blankly at each other each and every day, but we rarely if ever exchange a word.

Today, I have something important I would like to say to you.

In these twilit days of Indian Summer, as we watch the so called "power elite" luxuriating in their billionaire beach hideaways, at their billionaire birthday parties, political golf outings, fund raisers and PhD cowboy retreats, I keep asking myself one simple question.

I'm pretty sure you are asking yourself the same question as well. That question is written all over the worried faces of millions of struggling Americans trying to live a modest life within their modest means.

It is written on the faces of the unemployed struggling to pay their bills. It is written on the faces of young adults despondent over their prospect of living under the shadow of runaway debts. It is written on the faces of children living in homeless shelters, it is written on the faces of struggling entrepreneurs who can't get a loan, it is written on the faces of all of those frustrated working and out of work people who once had a simple American dream.

Everywhere I look, I see the same question.

Unfortunately, I don't see any answers.

All I see is self serving corruption, greed, stupidity, short sightedness and outright thievery by the parasites and leeches that would have us look upon them as our grand leaders and paragons of commerce.

They ask and take, they take and complain, then they give precious little or nothing in return.

They blather endless platitudes about what's good for them, then pay feeble lip service to what is good for the rest of us. Their idea of a free market is that of justice and prosperity to the highest bidder.

They are good at one thing and one thing only, preserving their own status quo by exploiting you, me and the rest of us.

They are callous human strip miners and care absolutely nothing about anything but their own fat cat bank accounts, fat cat sports cars, fat cat jets, fat cat hideaways, fat cat trophy wives, fat cat mistresses, fat cat country clubs and gold plated suntans.

The question I want to ask you is this: Why?

Why is it taking so long for all of us to look each other in the eye and finally say what finally needs to be said?

Those selfish crooked liars and thieves on Wall Street in collaboration with their hired guns and bought politicians in Washington DC have taken over the town. They are down in the Silver Dollar saloon whoring themselves at a big old drunken Wall Street party while the rest of us are quietly cowering in the miserable shadows of Everywhere USA.

Why are we waiting to speak out, to act, to do what is necessary to protect our families, our children, our grand children and our country, yes OUR country, from those Capital Hill bandits, corporate horse thieves and fast buck bankster snake oil artists?

It is time to take back the neighborhood we call USA. It is time to haul the thieves and swindlers responsible for the mother of all economic clusterfucks before the court of public justice.

Let them call us populists. Whatever. I'll gladly wear that badge if that is what it takes to set things right.

I know you are busy so I won't take more of your time. All I ask is you consider what I have said and how it relates to you, your friends family and loved ones.

I for one am not going to take it lying down.

The sooner we all stand up and openly say enough is finally enough, the better we will all be.

Yours sincerely,
